three rings for the elven kings in the sky | seven for dwarf-lord in their halls of stone | nine for mortal men doomed to die

'Aragorn son of Arathorn Woke Up Gay'

Rating: PG-13

Part: (1/1)

Series Number: (5)

One morning, Aragon son of Arathorn woke up gay.

He had been awakened by Frodo, Merry, and Legolas prancing around the camp.

Aragorn felt different. He felt. non-crabby (which was a good thing for our poor Aragorn).

And then he looked at Legolas.

'Mmm!' he thought dirtily.

He quickly realized that that could not be a good thing.

(By the way, Frodo, Merry, and Legolas had formed a conga line and were dancing around, singing 'da da da da da DA!' and kicking their legs out on 'DA!')

Aragorn, instead of finding it annoying as he would have previously, found it quite entertaining.

'And the people performing it frightfully delicious-looking.'

Aragorn was a wise man. He had traveled far and he knew many things. (Duh.) He was certain that he had never experienced something quite like this, where other males were looking, well, 'frightfully delicious'.

He realized that he had woken up gay in almost the same way as Legolas had, using his smartness.

(At this time, Frodo, Merry, and Legolas began a game of leapfrog.)

Aragorn wanted to join, too.

"Aragorn, is something wrong?" asked Gimli, seeing the expression on Aragorn's face. (You know, the 'I-wanna-play-leap-frog-dammit-but-I-can't- because-I-can't' look.)

"Nothing, Gimli," Aragorn said, denying anything was wrong.

He sighed.

'Mmm. Legolas. Mmm!'

Aragorn finally threw his hands up in the air in defeat, and joined the impromptu game of leapfrog. (Have you ever seen two hobbits, an elf, and a man play leapfrog?)

Aragorn loved it, but his favorite part was when he got to jump over Legolas (and Legolas over he).

One more thought crossed his mind as he played leapfrog.

'Boromir looks rather striking today, too. mmm!'


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